Nutrition and Weight Loss

Home | Nutrition and Weight Loss

Why We Focus on Nutrition and

Healthy Weight Loss

At McHugh Health in Jacksonville, FL we are devoted to the practice and art of nutrition. Our Certified Medical Weight Loss specialists create individualized plans to help you get to your health goals. We start with a balanced nutrition foundation, then layer on the best strategies for losing weight and keeping it off. Our job is to help you live your best life, with more energy and fewer health problems. We believe that with a team of experts to help you and a strategy to navigate Jacksonville’s popular food scene and sun-filled outdoors, living a healthy life is within reach. Jacksonville is a great city with a vibrant food scene and a focus on outdoor living. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, live longer, or have more energy, McHugh Health is here to help you get healthier and stay that way.

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As we age, our bodies develop stress in different ways. This can look like painful joints, inflammation, and disease. Having extra visceral fat can increase this stress. So can the kind of food you eat (or don’t eat). We focus on treating nutrition and weight loss to help you live healthy longer.

A Systematic Process to Weight Loss

We use specialized testing to create a path for you to reach better health. Not every person has the same needs, so we look at your personal situation to determine which services serve you best, including Nutrition Testing and Weight Loss Injections.

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